What’s Cooking?

I am…cooking.

Are you cooking for the holidays? I got my turkey this week. My children love their grandfathers stuffing that he made with SF French bread. He would cut a loaf of French bread, put it in an open paper bag and let it dry for the stuffing. I use his recipe too. I think it is the tang from the french bread that gives it a special flavor.

I tend to more of cooking in winter. I get out the crock pot and make soups, chili, meatballs and more to enjoy. Every year for Super Bowl Sunday I would make chili in the crock pot. My boys look forward to coming over and eating my chili. Their other favorite is Great Grandma’s Spanish coffee cake. They were never much for dessert but if I make this coffee cake they are right there to eat it.

What do you enjoy cooking?

Quotes on cooking:

•“I think careful cooking is love, don’t you? The loveliest thing you can cook for someone who’s close to you is about as nice a valentine as you can give.” – Julia Child

•“I love cooking. It’s one of my favorite things to do. To share my parents’ recipes that I grew up with is just something very special to me.” – Lance Bass

•“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.” – Harriet Van Horne

•”Cooking may be as much a means of self-expression as any of the arts.” – Fannie Farmer

•“Cooking requires confident guesswork and improvisation– experimentation and substitution, dealing with failure and uncertainty in a creative way” – Paul Theroux

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