My Day is Coming

Yes, the Sunday after Labor Day is National Grandparent Day. It became my turn to celebrate some eight years ago when my first grandchild was born. Then three years later my granddaughter was born. I am lucky to have a boy and a girl for grandchildren. I felt my two sons were a blessing and now having two grandchildren is wonderful too.

Marian McQuade started in 1970 looking to have established a National Grandparent Day. It was passed by Congress in 1978 and celebrated for the first time in 1979. McQuade wanted to educate the youth about the importance of seniors and the contributions they have made throughout history. Not sure my young grandchildren see the contributions of seniors at this moment.

I learned there is an official flower and an official song. Pretty blue forget-me-nots with yellow centers are the flower. They make nice ground cover. They don’t like excess heat which is why I don’t see any growing where I live. The song is “A song for Grandma and Grandpa” by Johnny Prill is the song. I decided to listen to it on YouTube.

I won’t get to see them this year on September 12th. I did spend time with my grandchildren in August. They live three hours away from my home. I came down to visit my mother and this gave me the opportunity to also see my grandchildren. I kicked the soccer ball around the backyard with my grandson. Then I got to see all his new Lego construction work. Next, I worked my granddaughter sorting through her Lego pieces to complete Dog Groomer shop. I helped find one of the poop pieces that had fallen on the floor and rolled under the vacuum cleaner. Whatever we do I enjoy seeing how much they have grown between visits and learn what they are doing. It touches my heart. Feeling blessed.

I wish all fellow grandparents a Happy Grandparent Day.

Quotes Grandparents:

“Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparent’s sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.” – Alex Haley

“Everyone needs to have access to both grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.” – Margaret Mead

“What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loos change, and they give me a million dollars’ worth of pleasure. – Gene Perret

“Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.” – Mary H. Waldrip

“Grandparents make the world…a little softer, a littler kinder, [and] a little warmer.” – unknown

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