
I am going to be sharing chapters from the new book I writing. I would love feedback. Each chapter is one of the words in my set of “I am” cards. There are 150 words. The idea is  that the book will be a nice compliment to a card you have selected.


Define: Center is to have a specified center: focus. Centered is to be emotionally stable and secure.


Do you find your mind wandering while working? Do you appear to be all over the map or unfocused?  What causes us to lose focus?


In February 2017 I attended a two-day retreat.  The focus of the retreat was to expand one’s thinking and outlook.  It felt like perfect timing as I had stopped working on my writing project.  I was looking for a way to get back on track, hoping to be motivated and more focused. Through several deep meditations and shamanic journeying, I found myself centered and got confirmation that creativity is my gift. It was so rewarding to let myself attend this retreat where I stopped and saw myself be lead through many guided meditations to a more focused, centered place. Ready to get back to work.


I learned a quick and easy meditation using the Stop/Balance/Go bracelet created by Cassie Schinder. All the beads are black except for three. Those three are right next to each other. One is a red next is yellow and third one is green. You take the bracelet off your wrist. Close your eyes. To mediate hold the red bead, pause and take a deep breath. Then hold the yellow bead, take two deep breaths. Final step take the green bead, again another deep breath. Then open your eyes and Go.   The red represents slowing down or stopping, yellow is to take a breath/ break from action and green is for go just like color of a traffic light.

You do not need a bracelet to remind yourself to stop. You could be stopped at a traffic light and just take a couple of deep breaths and then when the light changes you move back into action more centered and alert. Mindfully present breathing each day for a few minutes or just sitting in a quiet space with your focus on breath can brings you to present moment or centered.


I am…centered.

I am…focused. All is well.

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