
Here is another chapter for my draft copy of next book. Feedback welcome.

Define: To be content is to be in a state of peaceful happiness. Satisfied.

Question: What does it take for you to be content?


Moving to my home in the Sierra foothills from San Francisco Bay area gave me a feeling of contentment. I live on a court so there is very little traffic. So different from living on a street with three lanes of traffic driving past the side of my house. I hear sounds of crickets in the evening instead of the sound of cars and trucks rushing by. I am content to sit out on my back deck and watch the wildlife pass by. I sometimes hear wild turkeys. Plus, I am surrounded by oak and pine trees vs. a high fence to block the view of vehicles passing by.


  1. Start with finding something you are grateful for. Notice one thing. It could be that your children are

healthy or there is a beautiful park nearby.

  1. Find little things that make you happy or give you joy. It could be reading a good book, drinking a cup of tea, taking a walk, being with people you love. Things that cost very little, are simple, and yet give you joy.
  2. Make a list of things about yourself that you are happy about. For example, “What am I good at”.
  3. Make a list for others in your life so you can tell them what they are good at. What do you enjoy about them? Put that on the list. Focus only on positive things.
  4. Decide that you, and everyone else you know are perfect just the way we are. There is no need for improvement. Realize that you are living in the perfect moment and not on a steppingstone to something better. Life is sweet right now.

Affirm: I am…content


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